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«THE PRESIDENT AND CLERKS ARE ON SALE FOR $ 1 000 000”. By Larisa Vasilyeva. Komsomolskaya Pravda, November 9th 2005.

On November 19th SOVCOM gallery will take the auction in the premises of "Metropol" hotel.
The inevitable has occurred: a famous painting "Session of the Federal Assembly", which has combined our top political figures dressed in full-dress uniform in a single hall, is going to be sold. The starting price of the top lot 4 x 9 meters in size is one million dollars. On November 19th SOVCOM gallery will take the auction in the premises of "Metropol" hotel. But there is more to come. During the work under the large-scale painting, there have been made several sketches many of which do also possess some artistic value. The painters completed the work on the portraits, thus creating a nice gallery of top Russian political figures.-We want people to conceive this project as a political one, - says an administrative director of the gallery Inna PULIKOVA. - The tradition of depicting state figures has always being kept up by artists worldwide, and everyone conceived such portraits as artworks, but not as PR. Rafael painted the Pope the Rome and Hoya – the Spanish Family, weren’t they?By the way, most number of modern politicians do look rather nobly - whatever you may say, modest charm of noble uniform. Pollitically correct, in the far away corner, there are located two portraits of two oligarchies – Abramovich’s and Khadarkovsky’s, both with ingratiating looks. Each costs 1800 dollars. Yavlinsky's and Shantsev’s are cheaper (per 1500 dollars).So, whose politician's portrait became the most expensive? We were told that estimation of works had not been influenced by personalities of the depicted, but the quality of the materials: canvas-oil is fairly more expensive, than plotting paper.At present, the pre-auction exhibition has started already, though not much advertised, but the talk among representatives of the elite has spread in a trice. The "models" itself have not demonstrated their interest to the works yet, but the surrounding did show the ebullience – many of them asked the price of to present these portraits to their superiors for the New Year. So, these portraits, anyway, may be by some crooked paths, but will reach home collections of the depicted people, indeed.