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“Vera Glinka, a Student of Matisse” at the SOVCOM Art Gallery, the Kommersant - Weekend, #45 (21), July 06, 2007

The Sovcom Art Gallery presents the artworks of Vera Glinka – a brilliant artist who is not well known to the general public. A Muscovite of the early 20th century and a distant relative to the renowned Russian composer, she started her arts education in a famous college of painting and sculpture. She was a pupil of Konstantin Korovin – the main promoter of the French school of painting of that time. Like many others, she went to Paris to finish her education and get closer to the sources, and, finally, became a pupil of Henri Matisse himself! Following the instructions of the great master "...back to beautiful dark blue, beautiful red, beautiful yellow ..," in 1910-s Vera Glinka created works of art beautiful in color. Among them, at the exhibition you can see "The Branch of Blossoming Apple-tree", "Portrait of Lady with Fan", and "Windy Day". The painter came back to Moscow and shortly after that well-known events took place that soon split painters into two camps – obedient lucky and disobedient unlucky ones. Not only the succeeding generations but even the contemporaries almost neglected the work of the well-educated painter Vera Glinka: it neither fit in the primitive frame of social realism, nor had it a fig in the pocket – a delicacy for those fighting against the regime. The painter chose a line popular with people like herself – away from the authorities, closer to new plastic impressions. Trip or countryside landscape is an important part of the oeuvre of any respectable Soviet painter. Such works as "Mountains of Kirghizia", "Sisters-Uigurs", "Portrait of a Kirghiz" and the splendid landscapes of the Middle Russia among which are "Spring trees", "Picking up Mushrooms", and "Decline of the Day" will be exhibited.