Andrianov Petr Nickolaevich (1916, Moscow – 1995, Мoscow).
He studied at the Year 1905 Moscow Art Regional College. At a report exhibition his work attracted the attention of I.E. Grabar, who invited Andrianov to participate in a summer practice of the Art Institute. Owing to the concern of I.E. Grabar, he entered Surikov Moscow Art Institute without exams, and passed from the second to the forth year of the training without staying the third. In 1948 P.N. Andrianov obtained a distinction for his graduation work, “Lenin in the Smolny”, painted under the direction of S.V. Gerasimov. In 1960-es, he created a series of paintings on subjects of socialism construction. He first exhibited in 1954, participated in a number of Moscow and All-Union exhibitions. During his travels in Crymea and Kirghizia he made studies of landscape and everyday life. P. Andrianov’s pictures are in the Novosibirsk and Tula Picture Galleries, and in private collections in Russia, England, France, and Germany.
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