Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich (1914, Petrograd – 1998, Moscow).

People’s Artist of the USSR. Acting Member of the USSR Arts Academy. Laureate of the State Prizes in 1951, 1952 and 1978. In 1939 graduated from the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, studied first at the V.N. Yakovlev Studio, later – at the Studio of I.I. Brodsky. A. M. Gritsai started as a portrait painter; in the 1950 th made the series of the portraits of Academicians, for which has been awarded with the State Premium. Further on the landscape, both of monumental and epic (‘In Zhiguli. Rough day’ (1948-1950) and ‘Above the Volga’ (1950-1952) and chamber (series of paintings ‘Spring’) directions got the central place in the artist’s works. The painter is the author of the series of landscapes of Leningrad and its outskirts, views of Volga and Oka, kept in the traditions of I.I. Levitan and F.A. Vasiliev. Since 1946 – permanent participant of the national and international exhibitions. In 1957 was awarded by the bronze medal of the World Exhibition in Brussels. In 1973 won the I.E. Repin RSFSR State Premium. In 1948-1974 was teaching at the Surikov MOSCOW State Institute of Arts, since 1966 – at the Professor’s rank. Since 1966 - member of Presidium of the USSR Academy of Arts. The works of A.M. Gritsai are kept at the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, Art Museums of Kaluga, Viatka, Saratov and Lvov.

Buy author works – Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Soviet Painting

Цветущая ива над темной водой.
№ 34 Цветущая ива над темной водой.

Flowering willow over dark water.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year – 1971.
Size – 60х60.
Technique – Oil on canvas.

Signed lower right. The work comes from the artist's family collection.

By request

By request

№ 60 Радуга.


Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year – 1978-1979s.
Size – 49,5х79.
Technique – Oil on cardboard.

The work comes from the artist's family collection.

By request

By request

Золотая осень.
№ 66 Золотая осень.

Golden autumn.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year – 1962-1984s.
Size – 59,5х32,5.
Technique – Oil on cardboard on hardboard.

Signed lower right. The work comes from the artist's family collection.

By request

By request

Цветущая ива.
№ 74 Цветущая ива.

Blooming willow.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year – 1963.
Size – 31,5х34,7.
Technique – Oil on cardboard.

Signed and dated lower right. The work comes from the artist's family collection.

By request

By request



Летний сад.
№ 5 Летний сад.

Letniy Yard.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1960-еs
Technique: Paper, gouache.
Size: 23х21.

Auction № 70
Soviet art
07 June 2008

Valued price
90000 - 120000 rub.
90000 - 120000 rub.
Август на Оке.
№ 13 (λ) Август на Оке.

August on the Oka.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1975.
Technique: Paper on cardboard, oil.
Size: 59,5х70.

Auction № 151
Russian art
11 December 2018

Valued price
20000-40000 $
20000-40000 $
Зимний пейзаж.
№ 33 Зимний пейзаж.

Winter landscape.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1970.
Technique: Oil on cardboard.
Size: 30х74.

Auction № 137
Russian and Soviet art of 20th centuries
21 November 2013

Valued price
500000-800000 rub.
500000-800000 rub.
Солнечный день.
№ 37 Солнечный день.

Sunny Day.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Technique: Paper, oil.
Size: 36х47,5.

Auction № 10
Soviet art
04 February 2006

Valued price
6000 - 6500 $
6000 - 6500 $
Волга. Паром. Седнев.
№ 41 Волга. Паром. Седнев.

Volga. Steam. Sednev.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1962.
Technique: Oil on cardboard.
Size: 32,5х47.

Auction № 141
Online - Auction
07 April 2014

Valued price
700000 rub.
700000 rub.
Осенняя прогулка.
№ 51 (λ) Осенняя прогулка.

Autumn Walk.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1954.
Technique: Oil on cardboard.
Size: 32х38.

Auction № 177
Auction №177
23 March 2023

Valued price
200000-400000 rub.
200000-400000 rub.
Май. Весеннее тепло.
№ 53 (λ) Май. Весеннее тепло.

May. Spring warmth.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1970.
Technique: Oil on cardboard.
Size: 50х79.

Auction № 176
Auction №175
20 December 2022

Valued price
650000-1200000 rub.
650000-1200000 rub.
Цветущая ива.
№ 68 Цветущая ива.

Blooming willow.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1959.
Technique: Oil on cardboard.
Size: 31,5х34,7.

Auction № 190
Auction №190
25 February 2025

Valued price
500000-1000000 rub.
500000-1000000 rub.
Думы Егора.
№ 83 (λ) Думы Егора.

Egor's thoughts.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1974-1993.
Technique: Oil on canvas.
Size: 97х120,3.

Auction № 153
Soviet art
20 May 2019

Valued price
50000-80000 $
50000-80000 $
Городской пейзаж.
№ 83 Городской пейзаж.

City Landscape.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1950th
Technique: Pasteboard, oil.
Size: 25х34,8.

Auction № 5
Russian art of 20th centuries
11 June 2005

Valued price
4800 - 5200 $
4800 - 5200 $
№ 85 Осень.


Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1980.
Technique: Canvas on cardboard, oil.
Size: 31х66.

Auction № 143
Russian art of 20th centuries
22 October 2015

Valued price
10000-15000 $
10000-15000 $
К вечеру. Макаровка.
№ 86 К вечеру. Макаровка.

By the evening. Makarovka.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1979.
Technique: Oil on cardboard.
Size: 50х80.

Auction № 143
Russian art of 20th centuries
22 October 2015

Valued price
20000-30000 $
20000-30000 $
№ 86 (λ) Радуга.


Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1978-1979s
Technique: Oil on cardboard.
Size: 49,5х79.

Auction № 188
Auction №188
21 November 2024

Valued price
500000-1000000 rub.
500000-1000000 rub.
Весна. Последний снег.
№ 86 Весна. Последний снег.

Spring. The last snow.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1954.
Technique: Oil on cardboard.
Size: 23,8х34,4.

Auction № 121
Russian and West-European Art of the XVII-XX centuries
21 April 2011

Valued price
120000-160000 rub.
120000-160000 rub.
Колхозная электростанция.
№ 86 Колхозная электростанция.

Collective farm Electric Power Station.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1950-еs
Technique: Canvas, oil.
Size: 119,5х194.

Auction № 20
23 December 2006

Valued price
200000 - 220000 $
200000 - 220000 $
Летний не жаркий день.
№ 87 Летний не жаркий день.

Not a hot day of summer.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1964.
Technique: Oil on cardboard.
Size: 48х56.

Auction № 143
Russian art of 20th centuries
22 October 2015

Valued price
10000-15000 $
10000-15000 $
Осины. Золотая осень.
№ 90 (λ) Осины. Золотая осень.

Aspens. Golden autumn.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1962-1984s.
Technique: Oil on cardboard on hardboard.
Size: 59,5х32,5.

Auction № 187
Auction №187
19 September 2024

Valued price
450000-900000 rub.
450000-900000 rub.
После грозы.
№ 92 (λ) После грозы.

After a thunderstorm.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1951.
Technique: Oil on paper on cardboard.
Size: 30,5х40,2.

Auction № 184
Auction №184
02 April 2024

Valued price
1000000-2000000 rub.
1000000-2000000 rub.
№ 92 Веранда.

The verandah

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Technique: Canvas, oil.
Size: 80x68

Auction № 13
Russian art of 20th centuries
22 April 2006

Valued price
35000 - 37000 $
35000 - 37000 $
Ранняя весна. Этюд.
№ 94 Ранняя весна. Этюд.

Early Spring. Sketch.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1956
Technique: Pasteboard, oil.
Size: 32,5х36,7.

Auction № 100
Jubilee auction
20 May 2009

Valued price
700000-850000 rub.
700000-850000 rub.
Осень. Старый парк.
№ 103 Осень. Старый парк.

Autumn.Old park.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1976.
Technique: Paper on hardboard, oil.
Size: 69х59.

Auction № 147
Russian art of the 20th century
19 October 2017

Valued price
10000-20000 $
10000-20000 $
Летний вечер.
№ 104 Летний вечер.

Summer evening.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1980-1985- s.
Technique: Oil on cardboard.
Size: 53х73.

Auction № 131
Russian and Western European art of XVIII-XX centuries
25 October 2012

Valued price
3200000-4800000 rub.
3200000-4800000 rub.
Летний вечер.
№ 115 (λ) Летний вечер.

Summer evening.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1980.
Technique: Oil on plywood.
Size: 53х73.

Auction № 154
Auction of the season
19 September 2019

Valued price
40000-60000 $
40000-60000 $
В час последних сумерек.
№ 116 (λ) В час последних сумерек.

At the hour of the last twilight.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1983.
Technique: Oil on cardboard.
Size: 38х49.

Auction № 159
Auction № 159
23 June 2020

Valued price
300000-700000 rub.
300000-700000 rub.
Поздняя осень.
№ 147 Поздняя осень.

Late autumn.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1985-1998.
Technique: Oil on canvas.
Size: 87х123,5.

Auction № 140
Russian and Western European art of 19-20th centuries
03 April 2014

Valued price
3500000-5000000 rub.
3500000-5000000 rub.
№ 154 Весна.


Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1981.
Technique: Oil on canvas laid on board.
Size: 48х70.

Auction № 125
Russian and Western European art of 19-20th centuries
27 October 2011

Valued price
750000-1200000 rub.
750000-1200000 rub.
№ 214 Пейзаж.


Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1940-es-1950-es.
Technique: Canvas, oil.
Size: 80х35.

Auction № 41
Russian and West-European Art of the XX-XX centuries
27 October 2007

Valued price
1700000-1900000 rub.
1700000-1900000 rub.
№ 217 Зима.


Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Technique: Canvas, oil.
Size: 58х68.

Auction № 29
Russian and West-European Art of the XIX-XX centuries
21 April 2007

Valued price
300000 - 350000 rub.
300000 - 350000 rub.
Летний вечер.
№ 29 Летний вечер.

Summer evening.

Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1980
Technique: Canvas on cardboard, oil
Size: 53х73

Auction № 145
Russian art of the 20th century
20 October 2016

Valued price
60 000 - 80 000 $
60 000 - 80 000 $
№ 33 Волга.


Author: Gritsay Aleksey Mikhailovich

Year: 1940
Technique: Oil on canvas
Size: 80х135

Auction № 145
Russian art of the 20th century
20 October 2016

Valued price
50 000 - 70 000 $
50 000 - 70 000 $