Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich

Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich (1871, Budapest -1960, Moscow).

Grabar I.E. is known as a people’s artist of the USSR, active member of the Academy of Arts and honorable art worker of the USSR. He is also significant as art historian and musician. During 1894-1896 studied at St. Petersburg Academy of Arts under I.E. Repin and A.Ashba’s studio in Munich (since 1896). Gave lessons at Ashba’s school upon its foundation with its author. Was a member of such associations as the World of Art and the Union of Russian Artists. Much worked as an art critic (issuing articles in magazines “The world of Art”, “Old Years”, “Apollo”, etc). During 1913-1925 worked as Director of the State Tretyakov Gallery. In 1918 founded Central Restoration Shops in Moscow (now as the All-Russia Art Scientific and Restoration Centre named after I.E. Grabar. His works are represented in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum and many regional museums.

Buy author works – Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich


Пейзаж с березками.
№ 3 Пейзаж с березками.

Landscape with the birches.

Author: Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich

Year: 1920-es - 1930-es
Technique: Canvas, oil.
Size: 61х41,5.

Auction № 20
23 December 2006

Valued price
60000 - 70000 $
60000 - 70000 $
Ночная сирень.
№ 6 (λ) Ночная сирень.

Night lilac.

Author: Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich

Technique: Oil on cardboard.
Size: 17х,7х20,5. Экспертиза ЦХЭ им. И.Е. Репина.

Auction № 177
Auction №177
23 March 2023

Valued price
900000-1800000 rub.
900000-1800000 rub.
№ 8 (λ) Автопортрет.


Author: Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich

Year: 1932.
Technique: Watercolor on tracing paper.
Size: 29,8х20,6.

Auction № 184
Auction №184
02 April 2024

Valued price
120000-250000 rub.
120000-250000 rub.
№ 17 Автопортрет.


Author: Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich

Year: 1932.
Technique: Ink on tracing paper.
Size: 29,8х20,6.

Auction № 186
Auction №186
02 July 2024

Valued price
350000-750000 rub.
350000-750000 rub.
Угол дома. Зима.
№ 21 Угол дома. Зима.

Corner of a house. Winter.

Author: Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich

Year: 1904.
Technique: Oil on canvas.
Size: 62,5х71,5.

Auction № 116
Russian and Western European art of 18-20th centuries
02 November 2010

Valued price
2500000-4000000 rub.
2500000-4000000 rub.
№ 22 Зима.


Author: Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich

Year: 1953-1954.
Technique: Oil on canvas.
Size: 130,5х85.

Auction № 147
Russian art of the 20th century
19 October 2017

Valued price
200000-300000 $
200000-300000 $
Вид на Москву-реку.
№ 60 Вид на Москву-реку.

View of the Moscow River.

Author: Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich

Year: 1922.
Technique: Canvas on cardboard, oil.
Size: 60х79,6.

Auction № 144
Soviet art
31 March 2016

Valued price
250000-450000 $
250000-450000 $
Зимний пейзаж.
№ 86 Зимний пейзаж.

Winter landscape.

Author: Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich

Year: 2-nd half of 1940-1950-s.
Technique: Oil on cardboard.
Size: 46,5х50.

Auction № 128
Russian and Western European art of 19-20th centuries
13 March 2012

Valued price
2500000-3500000 rub.
2500000-3500000 rub.
Пейзаж с березками.
№ 93 Пейзаж с березками.

Landscape with birch trees.

Author: Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich

Year: 1920-30-es.
Technique: Canvas, oil.
Size: 61х41,5.

Auction № 100
Jubilee auction
20 May 2009

Valued price
1700000-2800000 rub.
1700000-2800000 rub.