Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich (1887, Erivan Region – 1942, Vologda).

Russian and Soviet painter, graphic artist, applied art specialist and teacher, representative of the Leningrad school of landscape painting. One of the founders of the Leningrad school of book graphics. In 1905-1909 he studied at the architectural department of the Higher Art School at the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg and at the private School of Painting and Drawing of E. Zvantseva under L. Bakst and M. Dobuzhinsky. Since 1911 - participant in exhibitions. Since 1915 he participated in the exhibitions of the "World of Art". In 1915, together with S.V. Chekhonin and V.M. Konashevich, he painted murals in the reconstructed part of the Yusupov Palace in Petrograd. In 1922 he joined the "Association of New Trends in Art". Tyrsa's works were exhibited at the first Russian art exhibition in Berlin. In 1941, the Russian Museum hosted the first solo exhibition of the artist's works during his lifetime. Since 1932, he was a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. In 1934-1941, he worked in the Experimental Graphic Workshop of the Leningrad Society of Artists, designing glassware (decanters, glasses, vases). The author's works are presented in the collections of the State Russian Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery and other museums in Russia, as well as in private collections.

Buy author works – Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Russian Graphic Arts

Сидящая обнаженная модель в носочках.
№ 4 Сидящая обнаженная модель в носочках.

Seated nude model in stockings.

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year – 1920s.
Size – 36,3х22,5.
Technique – Pencil on paper.

By request

By request

№ 9 Ню.


Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year – 1910s.
Size – 33,8 х 21.
Technique – Pencil on paper.

By request

By request

№ 16 Натурщица.


Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year – 1910s.
Size – 43,5х34,2.
Technique – Charcoal on paper.

Confirmation from grandson on back.

By request

By request


Book illustrations

№ 8 Лисы.


Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year – 1940.
Size – 17,5х23,8.
Technique – Watercolor and pencil on paper.

Sketch for the book-album “Zoological Garden”.

By request

By request



Ню в носочках.
№ 7 Ню в носочках.

Nude in socks.

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1920s.
Technique: Pencil on paper.
Size: 36,3х22,5. Экспертиза В.С. Силаева.

Auction № 179
Auction №179
29 June 2023

Valued price
60000-120000 rub.
60000-120000 rub.
№ 9 Ню.


Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1910s.
Technique: Pencil on paper.
Size: 33,8х21.

Auction № 186
Auction №186
02 July 2024

Valued price
15000-50000 rub.
15000-50000 rub.
На пляже.
№ 13 На пляже.

On the beach.

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1940
Technique: Lithography.
Size: 43,3х32,2.

Auction № 100
Jubilee auction
20 May 2009

Valued price
18000-35000 rub.
18000-35000 rub.
№ 14 Обнаженная

The nude.

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Technique: Paper, charcoal.
Size: 43х69.

Auction № 100
Jubilee auction
20 May 2009

Valued price
300000-550000 rub.
300000-550000 rub.
№ 14 Натурщица.


Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1910s.
Technique: Charcoal on paper.
Size: 42,6х35,3.

Auction № 173
Auction №173
19 July 2022

Valued price
40000-120000 rub.
40000-120000 rub.
№ 16 Букет.

Bunch of Flowers.

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1931
Technique: Canvas, oil.
Size: 65х54.

Auction № 10
Soviet art
04 February 2006

Valued price
17000 - 19000 $
17000 - 19000 $
На пляже.
№ 20 На пляже.

On the beach.

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1940.
Technique: Color lithograph.
Size: 43,3х32,2.

Auction № 189
Auction №189
17 December 2024

Valued price
10000-50000 rub.
10000-50000 rub.
№ 29 Натурщица.


Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1910s.
Technique: Charcoal on paper.
Size: 43,5х34,2.

Auction № 187
Auction №187
19 September 2024

Valued price
50000-100000 rub.
50000-100000 rub.
Обнаженная стоя.
№ 30 Обнаженная стоя.

Standing nude lady.

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Technique: Charcoal on paper.
Size: 60х45.

Auction № 166
Auction 166
20 July 2021

Valued price
50000-100000 rub.
50000-100000 rub.
Львица со львятами. Эскиз для книги-альбома “Зоологический сад”.
№ 30 Львица со львятами. Эскиз для книги-альбома “Зоологический сад”.

Lioness with lion cubs. Sketch for the album book "Zoological garden".

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1940.
Technique: Mixed media on paper.
Size: 17,2х23,7.

Auction № 180
Auction №179
26 September 2023

Valued price
10000-20000 rub.
10000-20000 rub.
Портрет Суворова №32.
№ 41 Портрет Суворова №32.

Portrait of Suvorov №32.

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1930-s.
Technique: Graphite pencil on paper.
Size: 67х41,5.

Auction № 140
Russian and Western European art of 19-20th centuries
03 April 2014

Valued price
350000-600000 rub.
350000-600000 rub.
Обнаженная модель со спины.
№ 42 Обнаженная модель со спины.

Nude model from the back.

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1934.
Technique: Watercolour on paper.
Size: 68х51.

Auction № 140
Russian and Western European art of 19-20th centuries
03 April 2014

Valued price
750000-1000000 rub.
750000-1000000 rub.
Обнаженная на красном.
№ 43 Обнаженная на красном.

Nude on red.

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1937.
Technique: Oil on canvas.
Size: 70,5х61,5.

Auction № 140
Russian and Western European art of 19-20th centuries
03 April 2014

Valued price
3000000-5000000 rub.
3000000-5000000 rub.
Распятие. Фрагмент композиции из разрушенной церкви Варвары Великомученницы в Ярославле.
№ 59 Распятие. Фрагмент композиции из разрушенной церкви Варвары Великомученницы в Ярославле.

Crucifixion. Composition fragment from the destroyed Great Martyr Barbara's church in Yaroslavl.

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1910s.
Technique: Gouache on paper.
Size: 21х16,7.

Auction № 121
Russian and West-European Art of the XVII-XX centuries
21 April 2011

Valued price
150000-200000 rub.
150000-200000 rub.
Букет на розовом.
№ 68 Букет на розовом.

Flowers against pink backgroung.

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: Mid-1930s.
Technique: Oil on canvas.
Size: 54х42.

Auction № 113
Russian and Western European art of 18-20th centuries
18 May 2010

Valued price
1200000-1500000 rub.
1200000-1500000 rub.
Букет на фоне окна.
№ 70 Букет на фоне окна.

The bouquet against the window

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1939
Technique: Pasteboard, oil.
Size: 38,8х27.9

Auction № 17
Russian Art of XX century
28 October 2006

Valued price
12000 - 13000 $
12000 - 13000 $
№ 76 Натурщица.


Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1910s.
Technique: Charcoal on paper.
Size: 43,5х34,2.

Auction № 165
Auction №164
01 June 2021

Valued price
30000-60000 rub.
30000-60000 rub.
Эскиз к плакату Б.С. Житкова.
№ 84 Эскиз к плакату Б.С. Житкова.

Sketch for a poster Zhitkov B.S..

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1920-s.
Technique: Watercolour on paper.
Size: 41х47,5.

Auction № 128
Russian and Western European art of 19-20th centuries
13 March 2012

Valued price
300000-450000 rub.
300000-450000 rub.
Эскиз обложки журнала мод.
№ 88 Эскиз обложки журнала мод.

Fashion magazine cover sketch.

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Year: 1930s.
Technique: Watercolor on paper.
Size: 41,5х31,7.

Auction № 155
"Russian and Soviet Art".
29 November 2019

Valued price
3000-5000 $
3000-5000 $
№ 183 Обнаженная.


Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Technique: Paper, charcoal.
Size: 62х47.

Auction № 41
Russian and West-European Art of the XX-XX centuries
27 October 2007

Valued price
200000-250000 rub.
200000-250000 rub.
Лежащая обнаженная.
№ 184 Лежащая обнаженная.

Resting naked

Author: Tyrsa Nickolay Andreevich

Technique: Paper, charcoal.
Size: 70х44.

Auction № 41
Russian and West-European Art of the XX-XX centuries
27 October 2007

Valued price
200000-250000 rub.
200000-250000 rub.