* France.

* France.

Buy author works – * France.

Antique Clock

Часы с цифровым механизмом.
№ 72 Часы с цифровым механизмом.

Clock with digital movement.

Author: * France.

Year – The beginning of the 19th century.
Size – 47х32х14,5.
Technique – Bronze, gilding, patination, stone.

By request

By request

Часы каминные
№ 79 Часы каминные

Mantel clock “Allegoric arrangement, representing fertility”.

Author: * France.

Year – The first third of the 19th century.
Size – 38,5х30 см.
Technique – Bronze, casting, engraving, gilding.

By request

By request



№ 14 Канделябр.

The candelabra.

Author: * France.

Year: XIX century.
Technique: Bronze, gilding.
Size: h-56.

Auction № 183
Auction №183
20 February 2024

Valued price
25000-50000 rub.
25000-50000 rub.
Канделябр с подвесками.
№ 15 Канделябр с подвесками.

A chandelier with pendants.

Author: * France.

Year: XIX century.
Technique: Bronze, gilding, crystal.
Size: h-60.

Auction № 183
Auction №183
20 February 2024

Valued price
25000-50000 rub.
25000-50000 rub.
№ 17 Шкатулка-витрина.

Showcase casket.

Author: * France.

Year: The end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries.
Technique: Bronze, brass, porcelain insert, silk.
Size: 40х21х14.

Auction № 182
Auction №182
21 December 2023

Valued price
200000-400000 rub.
200000-400000 rub.
Каминная пара.
№ 18 Каминная пара.


Author: * France.

Year: Fireplace pair.
Technique: 32х32
Size: 32х32; 32х32.

Auction № 182
Auction №182
21 December 2023

Valued price
50000-150000 rub.
50000-150000 rub.
Часы каминные
№ 18 Часы каминные

The fireplace clock is an allegorical composition symbolizing fertility.

Author: * France.

Year: XIX century.
Technique: Bronze, casting, engraving, mounting, gilding.
Size: 38,5х30.

Auction № 183
Auction №183
20 February 2024

Valued price
100000-500000 rub.
100000-500000 rub.
Письменный набор.
№ 19 Письменный набор.

Writing set.

Author: * France.

Year: XVIII century.
Technique: Bronze, gilding.
Size: 19х30х20.

Auction № 182
Auction №182
21 December 2023

Valued price
100000-200000 rub.
100000-200000 rub.
Ведро для шампанского.
№ 54 Ведро для шампанского.

Author: * France.

Size: в. 33 см.

Auction № 104
Direct Sales
23 September 2009

Valued price
1400000-1800000 rub.
1400000-1800000 rub.
Каминный гарнитур
№ 79 Каминный гарнитур

Stone set “Cupids”, consisting of a clock and a pair candlestick.

Author: * France.

Year: The end of XIX c. - to beginned XX c.
Technique: Cast bronze, engraving, assembled, gilded, patinated.
Size: В. 80см, 61см.

Auction № 29
Russian and West-European Art of the XIX-XX centuries
21 April 2007

Valued price
800000 - 1000000 rub.
800000 - 1000000 rub.
Скульптурная аллегорическая композиция
№ 82 Скульптурная аллегорическая композиция

Allegorical sculpture "Excelsior".

Author: * France.

Year: Late 19 / Early 20 cent.
Technique: Cast bronze, engraving, patinated.
Size: В. 90 см.

Auction № 29
Russian and West-European Art of the XIX-XX centuries
21 April 2007

Valued price
320000 - 400000 rub.
320000 - 400000 rub.
Скульптурная композиция
№ 84 Скульптурная композиция

Sculpture “Girl in Antique Gown”. France, Barbedienne Cast Bronze Factory

Author: * France.

Year: The end of XIX c.
Technique: Cast bronze, engraving, patinated, ornamental stone (selected).
Size: 49,5х69х28

Auction № 29
Russian and West-European Art of the XIX-XX centuries
21 April 2007

Valued price
260000 - 320000 rub.
260000 - 320000 rub.
Часы каминные
№ 87 Часы каминные

Mantelpiece clock "Harvest"

Author: * France.

Year: The first third of the ХIХ century.
Technique: Bronze, casting, engraving, gilding.
Size: Высота - 41 см.

Auction № 52
27 February 2008

Valued price
100000 - 150000 rub.
100000 - 150000 rub.
Часы каминные
№ 88 Часы каминные

Mantelpiece clock "Allegorical Composition Symbolizing Fertility".

Author: * France.

Year: The first third of the ХIХ century.
Technique: Bronze, casting, engraving, gilding.
Size: 38,5х30 см.

Auction № 52
27 February 2008

Valued price
100000 - 150000 rub.
100000 - 150000 rub.
Настольная композиция - светильник
№ 89 Настольная композиция - светильник

Desk composition: lamp "Evening near the fireplace".

Author: * France.

Year: 1 half of the 20 century.
Technique: Shpiatr, moulding, patining, glass.
Size: 29,5х39х16,5 см.

Auction № 29
Russian and West-European Art of the XIX-XX centuries
21 April 2007

Valued price
80000 - 110000 rub.
80000 - 110000 rub.
Часы каминные
№ 89 Часы каминные

Mantelpiece clock "The Lady"

Author: * France.

Year: The first third of the ХIХ century.
Technique: Bronze, casting, engraving, gilding.
Size: Высота - 43,5 см.

Auction № 52
27 February 2008

Valued price
90000 - 120000 rub.
90000 - 120000 rub.
Часы каминные.
№ 90 Часы каминные.

Mantelpiece Clock.

Author: * France.

Year: The second half of the XIX th century.
Technique: Porcelain, overglaze painting, gilding, bronze.
Size: Высота - 48 см.

Auction № 52
27 February 2008

Valued price
70000 - 100000 rub.
70000 - 100000 rub.
Письменный прибор
№ 92 Письменный прибор

Desk Set "The Roman"

Author: * France.

Year: The end of the XIX century.
Technique: Bronze, casting, engraving, patina-forming treatment, gem jade.
Size: 45х55х30.

Auction № 52
27 February 2008

Valued price
400000 - 500000 rub.
400000 - 500000 rub.
№ 115 Футболисты.

Soccer players.

Author: * France.

Year: 1980s.
Technique: Bronze, marble.
Size: h-23 см.

Auction № 170
Auction №170
22 February 2022

Valued price
55000-100000 rub.
55000-100000 rub.
№ 118 Графин.

Author: * France.

Auction № 108
Christmas Auction
03 December 2009

Valued price
35000-45000 rub.
35000-45000 rub.
Комод в стиле Буль, эпохи Наполеона III.
№ 124 Комод в стиле Буль, эпохи Наполеона III.

Boulle is bureau, epoche of Napoleon III.

Author: * France.

Year: XIX century.
Technique: столешница - мрамор.
Size: Wood, encrustation, turtle, copp

Auction № 82
Russian and West-European Art of the XIX-XX centuries
12 November 2008

Valued price
124.jpg rub.
124.jpg rub.
№ 150 Часы.

A clock.

Author: * France.

Year: End of XIX - Beginning of XX century.
Technique: Wood, carving, bronze, founding, engraving.
Size: h-45 см.

Auction № 118
Russian art of 20th centuries
02 December 2010

Valued price
100000-150000 rub.
100000-150000 rub.
№ 176 Вазочка.


Author: * France.

Year: XX.
Technique: Pink glass.
Size: h - 20 cм.

Auction № 113
Russian and Western European art of 18-20th centuries
18 May 2010

Valued price
7000-15000 rub.
7000-15000 rub.
Керосиновая лампа.
№ 178 Керосиновая лампа.

Oil lamp.

Author: * France.

Year: XIX.
Technique: Bronze, brass, glass.
Size: h-77 см.

Auction № 113
Russian and Western European art of 18-20th centuries
18 May 2010

Valued price
15000-25000 rub.
15000-25000 rub.
Часы каминные «Урожай».
№ 188 Часы каминные «Урожай».

France. Mantelpiece clock «Harvest»

Author: * France.

Year: The first third of the ХIХ century.
Technique: Bronze, casting, engraving, gilding.
Size: Высота - 41 см.

Auction № 62
Spring salon
19 April 2008

Valued price
100000 - 150000 rub.
100000 - 150000 rub.
Часы каминные.
№ 189 Часы каминные.

Mantelpiece Clock.

Author: * France.

Year: The second half of the XIX th century.
Technique: Porcelain, overglaze painting, gilding, bronze.
Size: Высота - 48 см.

Auction № 62
Spring salon
19 April 2008

Valued price
70000 - 100000 rub.
70000 - 100000 rub.
Письменный прибор «Римлянин».
№ 191 Письменный прибор «Римлянин».

Desk Set «The Roman»

Author: * France.

Year: The end of the XIX century.
Technique: Bronze, casting, engraving, patina-forming treatment, gem jade.
Size: 45х55х30.

Auction № 62
Spring salon
19 April 2008

Valued price
400000 - 500000 rub.
400000 - 500000 rub.
№ 219 Скульптура

Sculpture "Adolescent with the lute".

Author: * France.

Year: (XIX - XX).
Technique: Alabaster, carving, polish.
Size: h-68 cм.

Auction № 111
Russian and West-European Art
02 March 2010

Valued price
50000-60000 rub.
50000-60000 rub.
Часы каминные
№ 271 Часы каминные

Fireplace clock “Allegoric composition, symbolizing fertility”.

Author: * France.

Year: The first third of the ХIХ century.
Technique: Bronze, casting, engraving, gilding,.
Size: 38,5х30 см.

Auction № 41
Russian and West-European Art of the XX-XX centuries
27 October 2007

Valued price
100000-150000 rub.
100000-150000 rub.
Часы каминные
№ 272 Часы каминные

Fireplace clock “Allegory of science and arts”.

Author: * France.

Year: The first third of the ХIХ century.
Technique: Bronze, casting, engraving, gilding,.
Size: 50х34 см.

Auction № 41
Russian and West-European Art of the XX-XX centuries
27 October 2007

Valued price
175000-195000 rub.
175000-195000 rub.