
Auction 187 exhibition is open from 10 to 18 September.

On September 10, a pre-auction exhibition of Auction 187 opens in our gallery, which will take place on September 19 at 19.00. The auction will feature more than 140 lots - paintings, drawings, porcelain. 

The top lots of the future auction include canvases from the hunting string presented at the exhibition, including works by Sergei Semenovich Voroshilov, Vladimir Muravyov, Ivan Alekseevich Vladimirov and Oskar Adolfovich Hoffman.

The art of the early 20th century is represented at the auction by works by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Alisov, Maximilian Aleksandrovich Voloshin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Klodt. Particular attention in the September auction deserves the work "Russian Peasant Women" by I.E. Repin's student - Vassa Iosifovna Epifanova.

The top lots of the future auction, which are also presented at the exhibition in the gallery, cannot fail to include a large string of works by artists of the Crimean School of Painting, including Valentin Danilovich Bernadsky, Valentina Petrovna Tsvetkova, Pyotr Kuzmich Stolyarenko and Pavel Petrovich Miroshnichenko.

Soviet art of the second half of the 20th century is represented at the exhibition by works by People's Artists of the USSR, masters of the landscape genre: Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov, Boris Valentinovich Shcherbakov, Sergei Vasilievich Gerasimov and Valentin Mikhailovich Sidorov.

Among the lots of the upcoming auction are works by the main representatives of the Severe Style: Geliy Mikhailovich Korzhev, Viktor Efimovich Popkov, Viktor Ivanovich Ivanov, Igor Pavlovich Obrosov, Petr Pavlovich Ossovsky and Nikolay Ivanovich Andronov.

Unofficial art of the USSR is represented at the upcoming auction by large-scale canvases by Ernst Neizvestny, Eliy Belyutin and Oleg Tselkov.

The pre-auction exhibition will be held from September 10 to September 18 at st. Shchepkina, 28.

Viewing time on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00, on weekends from 11:00 to 17:00. Viewing of some lots by prior arrangement.

We will be happy to provide all the necessary information, accept applications for absentee participation and applications for participation in auctions by phone.